Firmware Version | New Features | Bugfixes | Set up changes |
35020 | | - Optimization to avoid erroneous triggering of State 443.
- Fixed buzzing noise generated by power stage set.
- Inverter update fails due to the file size of the previous version (fro34310.upd). Fixed only after applying this version. Repeated update attempts may be necessary.
| - New country setup for New Caledonia - NC22 (NC2022).
- Microgrid MG50 & MG60 - inner maximum frequency limit values have been increased from 52.8 Hz to 53.1 Hz.
- Country setups EULV & EUMV adapted due to EN50549-1 & EN50549-2.
- Czech CZ country setups - harmonized and adapted due to EN50549-1.
- New country setups for Lithuania - LT0A (<10kVA) and LT0B (>= 10 kVA).
34310 | | - Fixed false trippings of State 443.
- Optimization of power reference value for CEI-021.
- Fixed false trippings of state codes 301, 308, 317, and 479.
| - New parameters for medium voltage limits for setups BRA2, BRA3, BRA5 and BRA6.
- Adjustment of GVDPR parameters for setups IT6, IT6B, IT7, IT7B.
- Adjustment of parameters for GFDPR - start frequency and underfrequency.
- Setup AUC - ReAcPoMo Characteristics Q to U10 now correctly set to 100 % .
33500 | | - Due to a normative requirement in Brazil (INMETRO) a software change was needed:
- Countrysetup change for all Brazil Setups
- Change P(f) – over frequency behaviour
| |
33450 | | | - Setup ESOS
- FRT Current Calc Mode changed from 3 to 1
- Setups IT6 und IT7
- Setup NI99
- FRT Current Calc Mode changed from 3 to 2
- New Brasilien Setups:
- Setup BRA2 for 220V / <6KW due to new Inmetro
- Setup BRA3 for 220V / >6KW due to new Inmetro
- Setup BRA5 for 240V / <6KW due to new Inmetro
- Setup BRA6 for 240V / >6KW due to new Inmetro
33350 | - Dynamic power reduction using the S0-meter (without datamanager)
- There are two new parameters in the BASIC menue – Input Signal – Mode of Operation – S0-Meter
- "Grid power limit“ and "Impuls rate“
| - Fixed sporadic, inexplicable power limitations in combination with country setup Switzerland
| - Setups EU LV and EU MV adapted to the new standard 50549-1/-2
- Setup atapted at DKA1, DKA2
- Anti islanding feature deactivated
- Setup changes at FROS
- Inner frequency limit changed from 64Hz to 46Hz
- Setup changes at MG50 and MG60
- Feature „Irradiation Ramp“ activated (Flicker improvements)
- Setup change AU B