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  • SANDEN ECO PLUS 250 LITRE HEAT PUMP. Models: GAUS-250FQS,GAUS-250EQTAQ, GAU-A45HPC. How a Sanden Eco® Plus System Works ? Why purchase a Sanden Eco® Plus Hot Water Heat Pump System? Superior Features and Benefits ...

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  • Sanden Eco Plus 300 Litres Heat Pump. Models: GAUS-300FQS, GAU-A45HPC. Features & Benefits: Up to 50% faster heat recovery than currently available Hot Water Heat Pumps, Fitted with in-built freeze protection, making it suitable for all climates ...

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  • Sanden Eco Plus 160 Litre Heat Pump. Description: Sanden Eco® Plus Heat Pump - Leading hot water technology. Models: GAUS-160FQS, GAUS-160EQTA, GAUS-160EQTAQ, GAU-A45HPC, GAU-A45HPA. Up to 50% faster heat recovery than currently available Hot Water...

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  • Sanden Eco Plus 315 Litre Heat Pump (Models: GAUS-315EQTD, GAUS-315EQTE, GAUS-315EQTAQ, GAUS-315FQS, GAUS-315FQV, GAUS-315EQS, GAUS-315EQT).Description, feature, price list and Specifications Sanden Eco Plus Heat Pump ...

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  • Why choose a sanden eco heat pump system for your home ? You can save as much as 82% of your hot water heating cost by installing the new Sanden Eco® Plus Heat Pump. It has the highest level of STC (Small-scale Technology Certificate) values ...

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  • ✔️The best replacement for an old hot water system is a new super efficient and super quiet Sanden Eco Heat Pump hot water system. ✔️Save on your bills and emissions.

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  • Heat pumps have the potential to save Australia at least 127 TWh of energy; this is a staggering amount as Australia only generated a total of 227 TWh of electrical power in 2018.   This 127 TWh figures is divided into 100 TWh of savings from space heating and 27 TWh of savings from hot water heating.

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  • Table of Contents

    About Sanden Eco Heat Pump

    Why Choose a Sanden Eco Plus for your hot water service? 

    How a Sanden Eco Plus Heat Pump Hot Water services works? 

    Product Information 

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