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Sanden Eco Heat Pump Hot Water

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About Sanden Eco Heat Pump

Why Choose a Sanden Eco Plus for your hot water service? 

How a Sanden Eco Plus Heat Pump Hot Water services works? 

Product Information 



About Sanden Eco Heat Pump

Sanden is a Japanese-owned global business that has earned a solid reputation as a leader in the field of heating and cooling technology.

Sanden has over 50 years' experience in the production and global supply of air conditioning compressors.

Sanden has applied this advanced understanding of heat transfer technologies to the home environment, resulting in the development of the Sanden Eco Hot Water Heat Pump System.

This highly-innovative hot water system is manufactured in-house at Sanden's state-of-the-art factories in Japan.

The Sanden Eco Hot Water Heat Pump is an energy efficient replacement for your traditional electric or solar hot water system.

Why Choose a Sanden Eco Plus for your hot water service? 

The Sanden Eco Hot Water Heat Pump System is an energy-efficient replacement for your traditional electric hot water system.

Heat from the air is transferred to heat water, saving energy, money and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

 Highest efficiency heat pump in Australia

With a coefficient of performance (COP) of 6 or 600% efficient the Sanden Eco Plus can save you up to 82% on your hot water energy costs!

 15 year warranty on the water tank

Sanden Eco Plus Heat Pump Warranty 15 year

The Sanden Eco Plus Heat Pump has an upgraded and longer warranty.

The heat pump unit has 6-year warranty.

The Australian Made Stainless Steel Storage Tank has a class leading 15-year warranty, providing you with peace of mind when installing your Sanden Eco Plus system.  

 Quietest hot water heat pump system in Australia, just 37dB

 Sanden’s extensive research and development has delivered a ‘whisper quiet’ operating noise level (37dB) that ensures both you and your neighbours’ lifestyles remain unaffected by its operation.

 Highest level of Small scale Technology Certificates (STCs)

The Sanden Eco Plus Heat Pump has the highest level of STCs  values of currently available commercial and domestic models on the market.

Ultra-high efficiency means highest rebates! See our STCs rebate calculator to find out how much you can receive as an upfront discount.

STCs Rebate Calculator 

✅ Power your Sanden with your rooftop solar PV system

By running it from 11am using the “blockout timer”, this will save you money.  Find out how on our FAQ about Sanden Eco Plus or contact us and we will walk you through the process.


How a Sanden Eco Plus Heat Pump Hot Water services works? 

How a Sanden Eco Plus Heat Pump Hot Water services works 

A heat pump is a solar energy harvesting device just like a rooftop solar PV system or old style rooftop solar hot water system.

The difference is that a heat pump collects and concentrates the solar energy, in the form of warm air,around your home and deposits it inside the tank for you to use when required.

Your Sanden heat pump hot water service gives excellent service and performance in all Australian weather conditions.

A CO2 heat pump performs well when older style rooftop solar hot water heaters don't. Normal household behaviour is to use more hot water in winter when it is also generally much more cloudy (a time when roof top solar heaters perform poorly), while the Sanden's performance stays consistent throughout the seasons in Australia's temperate climate. 

The Sanden Eco Hot Water Heat pump will reduce your energy by more than 90% when compared to an average gas storage hot water service and 80% when compared to an electric hot water service.

Sanden Eco Hot Water Heat pump will reduce your energy by more than 90%

Federal and State government subsidies are available to help make your purchase affordable and accellerate your move to a pure electric house with a renewable hot water service. What's more - if you've got rooftop solar electric panels then you can schedule your Sanden to run during the day while your solar system is producing maximum power which also maximises the use of the solar energy you generate.

The Sanden is leagues ahead of all the other heat pumps in the Australian market, it uses technology that was developed under a program lead by the Japanese government, involving all the leading Japanese refrigeration companies, to build the most efficient kind of heat pump possible for the purpose of producing hot water at low temperatures.  The program was called "Ecocute" and involves using supercritical CO2 as the working fluid

The Sanden achieves more renewable energy certificates under the government's renewable energy promotion scheme than any other heat pump which is the strongest indicator of just how good a product it is.  Unlike all other heatpumps in the market the Sanden is so quiet that it's quieter than the noise in a library.

Don't waste your valuable rooftop space on an old style conventional solar hot water unit when you can put more solar electric panels in place. With conventional solar hot water in summer your system maybe losing hundreds of litres of our precious water resource daily due to overheating while a Sanden will produce just the right amount of water for your needs.

Talk to us now, for professional advice from our trained engineers. No gimmicks, no sales tactics just straight up and down best advice and service. We offer a fully integrated service to get you off old gas or conventional electric and on a pathway to energy efficiency and renewable energy freedom.  Starting with an efficient Sanden Eco CO2 hot water service we can eliminate your annual energy usage, saving you thousands on your bills and using our knowhow to upgrade you to the latest and most efficient solar powered lifestyle.

Product Information 

Sanden Echo Plus Heat Pump

Heat Pump Unit (Sanden Eco Plus)

✓ A high Coefficient of Performance (COP 5^) results in significantly reduced energy use and CO2 emissions

✓ Up to 50% faster heat recovery than typical heat pumps. In ambient air of 20ºC it takes approximately four hours to heat 315 litres of water from 17ºC to 65ºC

✓ Uses unique ozone-friendly refrigerant CO2 (R744) 

✓ Simple installation by a plumber and electrician, with no refrigeration mechanic required

✓ An automatic heating cycle, which makes it perfect for use with off-peak power

✓ Fitted with in-built freeze protection, making it suitable for all climates (from -10ºC to +43ºC)

✓ No backup element required

✓ 'Whisper quiet' operation, with industry-leading noise level of 37 dB – very neighbour friendly!

✓ High-quality, weather-resistant construction for outdoor location

✓ Made in Japan, 15-year warranty on tanks, 6 year warranty on heat pump

Stainless Steel Tank

✓ High quality, '316 marine grade' stainless steel cylinder comes in 4 sizes

✓ Fully insulated for minimal heat loss

✓ Mains pressure-rated

✓ 315 litre tank with two installation options (tall with a reduced diameter or short with an increased diameter)

✓ Safety pressure and temperature relief valve

✓ Made in Australia, 15-year warranty

Sanden Eco Plus Hot Water Heat Pump Technical Specifications

Sanden Eco Plus Hot Water Heat Pump Technical Specification



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