Sanden Service Sanden 2 year service Check unit, check connections, reverse flush, inspect water pump, clear computer memory, reset computer. Recommended to commence no more than 4 years after original installation and then repeat every 2 years Retrofit reverse flush valve kit Allows main service item effecting performance of the unit to be done by customer half yearly or yearly along with standard air bleed routine and PTR/ECV check. Sanden G2 / G3 motherboard out of warranty service refurbishment Refurbish main board for E124 E073 or similar errors due to capacitors, transistors or diodes. Life shortening errors occur due to high voltages volt spikes. Pure Electric can fully restore your G2 (Generation 2) or G3 Sanden back to serviceable at a reasonable cost. Retrofit zetco non return swing valve. This service item is for where the sanden heat pump unit is installed above ground level and reverse thermosiphoning occurs wasting heat energy and hitting the hip pocket as well as the environment. Straighten fins on Sanden HP unit with fin comb. Replace corroded or leaking thermostat housing.