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Sanden G2 / G3 motherboard out of warranty service refurbishment

Sanden G2 / G3 motherboard out of warranty service refurbishment
Sanden G2 / G3 motherboard out of warranty service refurbishment
Sanden G2 / G3 motherboard out of warranty service refurbishment
Sanden G2 / G3 motherboard out of warranty service refurbishment

Sanden G2 / G3 motherboard out of warranty service refurbishment

Refurbish main board for E120 E124 E073 E040 E042 and E102 or similar errors due to capacitors, transistors or diodes. Life shortening errors occur due to high voltages volt spikes on the electricity grid. Australia is notorious for running its grids at higher voltages than are standard. Pure Electric can fully restore your G2 (Generation 2)  or G3 Sanden back to serviceable at a reasonable cost. This is a problem that usually happens with older machines (two generations old) ie pre 2015 or with machines subjected to fusion events such as a surge on the electricity grid.

Minimum superset of capacitors for testing / replacement on G2 systems

✔️CAP ELECT 1000U 10V 105C L/ESR 8x20

✔️CAP ELECT 220U 35V 105C L/ESR 10x16

✔️CAP BIPOLAR 47U 50V P-3.5mm 8x11mm

✔️CAP ELECT RB 10U 63V 105C P=2MM 5x11mm

✔️CAP ELECT RB 47U 25V 105C P=2.5mm 5x11mm

✔️CAP ELECT RB 220U 25V 105C P=3.5mm 8x12

✔️CAP ELECT 1000U 10V 105C L/ESR 8x20

✔️CAP ELECT 220U 35V 105C L/ESR 10x16

✔️CAP ELECT 470U 35V 105C L/ESR 10x20

✔️CAP ELECT 1000U 25V 105C L/ESR 13x20

✔️CAP ELECT 35V x 680 uf

✔️CAP ELECT 420v 100 uf

✔️CAP ELECT 420 v 150 uf

✔️CAP ELECT 450 v 680 uf

✔️CAP ELECT 35V 680 uf

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