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Sanden Perth Heat Pump Case Study - Como Metro Perth WA

Como Perth WA Sanden Heat Pump

Sanden Eco Heat Pump Perth Case Study - Como in Metro Perth WA Heat Pump

This customer was looking to replace their old electric storage hot water system with the 80% less energy Sanden Eco Plus heat pump hot water system for their place in Como, metro Perth WA.

With this high efficiency heat pump, the customer has been very impressed by the results. Seeing a drastic reduction in the hot water energy amount from what was roughly 12kWh per day down to just 2-3 kWh per day.

The client was also very impressed by how quiet it was, just 37 dB. In fact they had to go outside and put their hand in front of the condensor to check it!

Great results. So if you are after a high efficiency Sanden Eco Heat Pump in Perth, just click Get a Free Quote or give us a call 1300 86 78 73. Check our website for Sanden Perth heat pumps here for more Sanden Eco information

1300 86 78 73
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