Where can I purchase a Daikin in Australia?Where can I purchase a Daikin in Australia? Heating/Cooling heat pumps Daikin is exclusively available from Pure Electric Solutions. VIC: 0385953833-ACT: 026225 8115-SA: 0871236454 -NSW: 0290377311-QLD: 0730599729-WA: 0862444348
How long do heat pumps last?How long do heat pumps last? This question is a little bit like 'how long is a piece of string', however it is useful to know something about the expected service life of a heat pump and what affects it.
A summertime look at insulation and shading
When it comes to home cooling and heating the phrase 'work smart rather than working hard' applies; by that I mean you only want your air conditioning (AC) system to work as hard as is necessary to keep your house comfortable. The way you 'work smart' is to insulate and shade (in summer) your home, that way your AC unit will have a much easier (and longer) life and the heat or 'coolth' it generates stays in your home (where you want it) instead of leaking
Ducted AC Vs Split system AC, which is betterThe idea of a centralised ducted AC system is attractive in some sense because the ducting can all be hidden away and routed to a centralised AC unit that could in theory by installed on your roof assuming it is possible to install in your house)....
How the energy star rating system works for air conditioners
The energy star rating system for air conditioners is a bit of a mystery and over time has been upgraded (with the latest determination happening in 2019) so that what was once a 5 star appliance may now only be a 3 star appliance, the look of the energy star label has also changed.
Which is better for peak power periods, Snowy hydro 2.0 or the all-electric home?
On the face of it Snowy hydro 2.0 is an attractive idea, for both nostalgic and technical reasons.
It is the next generation upgrade to the iconic hydro project that has a cultural impact beyond the realm of technology mainly due to the fact it was built by a multinational crew of post war immigrants, a demonstration of what can be done if the nations of the world co-operate rather than fight.
Quantifying how the all-electric solar home helps the environment
When should you replace your old gas appliances with electricSo you have come to the realisation that it makes more financial sense to replace your existing gas appliances (namely your cook-top, central heater and gas hot water) with their more efficient electric equivalents (namely an induction cook-top, a Daikin US7 space heater and a Sanden heat pump hot water system) but the question you ask yourself is, when should I take the plunge, when should I replace my existing (and still functional) gas services and go all-electric?
How heat pumps can save over half of Australia's annual electricity generation or 127 TWhHeat pumps have the potential to save Australia at least 127 TWh of energy; this is a staggering amount as Australia only generated a total of 227 TWh of electrical power in 2018. This 127 TWh figures is divided into 100 TWh of savings from space heating and 27 TWh of savings from hot water heating.
Heat pumps need to be up there with EVs and Solar