ACT Next Gen Energy Storage Program No Longer
The ACT Government have announced the end of the ACT Next Gen Energy Storage Program. The policy program announced it has reached its target of 5000 batteries for Canberra households and businesses and is no longer accepting rebate applications.
The ACT Government have advised all pre-approved applications will be honoured with all remaining batteries must be installed by 31 March 2023. The ACT Government have said they will work with battery installers on any outstanding applications and installations.
"While this is an unfortunate end to the program, for our clients who wish to progress with future solar battery storage, they are can still access the ACT Government Sustainable Household Scheme" said Pure Electric Director Paul Szuster.
"We encourage our clients to take full advantage of the ACT Government Sustainable Household Scheme with a substantial loan towards the supply and installation of our recommended battery the Tesla Powerwall."
More details on the ACT Sustainable Household Scheme (SHS) can be found on our website -> https://www.pure-electric.com.au/act-sustainable-household-scheme
More information about Tesla Powerwall here -> https://www.pure-electric.com.au/tesla-powerwall
ACT Government announcement here -> https://www.climatechoices.act.gov.au/policy-programs/next-gen-energy-storage